Tuesday, August 7, 2007

In lust, in like, in love, insane

When it comes to attraction, most people do it in degrees.

When you're "in lust," it's simple. You and the person share a highly physical attraction to each other. Sometimes there's a connection on another level and sometimes there's not and that's ok. You both turn each other on and enjoy each other physically.

Then there's "in like" which goes beyond just the physical. This is where you and the person appreciate each other for everything from personality to intelligence. You can carry on a conversation. You enjoy each other's company and enjoy many of the same things. There may be a physical aspect of it, but you enjoy your time outside the bedroom as well.

Now there's "in love." The great part about this is the chemistry and that certain something that singles the person out and vice versa. You can't put a name to it, but you're able to combine the lust and love and it's an enjoyable experience.

Now we get to my personal favorite, insane. Insane usually incorporates obsession and desperation. This is usually the person who literally swears they're in love with a person after a date or even a hello. The person runs around trying to learn every little aspect about the person. They may even think they're in a relationship with the person. The problem is the other person either has no clue or stated no interest in having a relationship with the person.

Now, I'm not an expert, but this is the way I view it.

What has been your experiences with the various degrees of love listed here? Have you ever been in a situation where you were confused and how did you deal with it? Do you have your own system for categorizing attraction?

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