Thursday, June 7, 2007

Making something out of nothing....

Here's the scenario.

You've been in a relationship for awhile. Everything is comfortable. You've possibly even settled into a routine. No drama. No stress.

Then there's this moment in the relationship where you realize that the "click" is no longer there. There's no spark. Yet, you keep pushing. You try new things.

Nope, nothing there.

Now, this could be the relationship that evolved from a good friendship which you thought conveyed the possibility of a great romantic relationship.

Finally, you realize there's nothing wrong with the actual relationship. It's just ran its course. But the problem is either you have invested a lot or you care too much for the person to let it go.

I'm a firm believer in not trying to make something out of nothing unless it's money. A lot of times, you upset yourself and others as well as waste time.

How far would you carry a relationship that's not going badly, but that you no longer want to be in?


Anonymous said...

I left a no win relationship almost a year ago now and am still wondering why I spent four years with this guy. I knew deep in my heart that he wasn't going to commit, but I deeply loved him. I wised up to the situation and moved to another state to start a new chapter in my life : ))

Anonymous said...

I think when you're in a long term relationship, it is inevitable that the "spark" is going to fizzle a little. It's hard to keep the fireworks going after you learn everything about the person, and can even burp/pee in front of him/her. It's naive to think that you're going to have "butterflies" every time you see him/her for the rest of your life.
I think it's important to look at it this way: is the relationship nurturing and is it going somewhere? Is it healthy? Do you have not only physical chemistry with this person, but also a great friendship?

Anonymous said...

A long term relationship is never the same. But it either works or doesn't. If a relationship doesn't work and you don't really love the other person, what's the point?