Friday, July 25, 2008

Sly Dial: When going straight to voice mail isn't a bad thing

Heard about this thing called Sly Dial on the radio this morning. Apparently you can call 267-SLYDIAL (that's 267-759-3425 for the alphabetically-challenged folks), and the service will connect you straight with a person's voice mail without having to take the chance of talking to them.

Here are some potential "sly dial" situations, according to the Web site.

Have your cake and eat it too
You desperately need to call your girlfriend but she is a talker and you don't want to spend an hour on the phone with her because you would much rather watch the game with your buddies. Leave her a sweet voicemail and get a hall pass for the night. ...

Play the field more effectively
You are dating quite a few people at the same time. You don't want to leave them all text messages because there is nothing romantic about that. But a nice voicemail to each would score you points. ...

Buy yourself some time
You go to a week long convention for work in Las Vegas and blow $5,000 the first night at the roulette table. You need to call your wife and tell her why she should hold off on making the monthly mortgage payment. Her voicemail will be much more understanding then she will.

The radio personalities commented that this would be a great tool to break up with someone -- you can say your piece, then just peace out.

What's the most creative way you've ever broken up with someone?

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