Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Does dating get better with age?

Happy birthday to me!

I turned 25 on Monday, and now that I'm older it's time to see if I'm getting any wiser.

As we all grow and age, we take little lessons with us along the way. These are things that we learned the hard way, by trial and error and by observing those around us. Because of these lessons, dating -- like a good wine or cheese -- should only get better with age.

Here are some of my dating lessons, that I did indeed learn the hard way, and I hope to be a little bit wiser for them:

* Do not smother a man. Do not call him multiple times after you have already hung up with him once. That makes you look desperate.

* Do not wait around for someone to be "ready" to be in a relationship with you. If they're not "ready" when you are, they may never be.

* Stand tall and be confident. If you're not, fake it until you are. Confidence makes you more attractive.

* Do not dress like a skank. You will only attract jerks.

* Be wary about becoming overly attached to someone you talk to only online. The Internet can make some conversations seem more intimate and meaningful than they actually are.

* Be honest with yourself about when you need to break up with someone. Don't stay with someone hoping the relationship will get better. It usually doesn't.

What are some dating lessons you have learned over the years? Do you become a better dater with age or do you find yourself still making the same mistakes you did five, 10 years ago?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dating lesson #1: If your friends don't like him, there's a good reason for it!