Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lying to get the girl (or guy)

Last night my boyfriend was watching an episode of that Scott Baio reality show on VH1. In this particular episode Scott's desperate friend, Johnny, signs up on a Jewish online dating site — even though he is not Jewish — to help him meet women.

Talk about setting himself up for failure. Once women he meets finds out that he lied to them, the possibilities of any relationship will go right down the drain. Even if he manages to pull off the guise for any meaningful amount of time, all trust will be lost once the truth is eventually discovered. (And it will be discovered. No one can play it off for that long.)

At the very least, I know I would dump him on the spot.

Have you ever dated anyone who lied to make themselves appear more desirable to you? How long was that person able to pull it off? Did you forgive the lie?

Remember, I'm not talking about little lies, like saying he likes fish when he really doesn't. I'm talking about the big ones, like pretending to belong to another religion.


Anonymous said...

My ex boyfriend was having car troubles one time and so he took it to the dealership, got it "fixed" and paid them. Well, a couple days later he ended up having the same issue with the car. He told me that he called the dealership and complained. The mechanic said that they would send a tow truck to get the car FOR FREE and they would fix it FOR FREE. About a day later, he came to me asking for money because "they lied". What I found out later on was they never said that they'd do it for free. He just "misheard".

Anonymous said...

That guy sounds like a jerk who wasn't trying to get you, just your money! Boo on him!

Anonymous said...

Lies that magnitude basically a red flags that let you know that the relationship isn't going to be solid because its based on a lie. However, I think the biggest lie that some guys tell is when they "pretend" to be a heterosexual when they are in fact a down low homosexual. Now that right there is something!