Thursday, March 6, 2008

Think he/she is cheating, check their bank account

When trying to decipher whether a significant other is cheating, phone records, e-mails and possibly even credit card statements may come to mind.

But according to this article, there are several other ways to use a person's finances to determine whether they are cheating. For instance, you can note surprise withdrawals from joint bank accounts or the existence of an unknown separate bank account. There are even ways to use income tax returns and asset liquidation as indicators.

These all sound like good indicators, yet, things I would never think to check. Then again, I'm not married and the only thing I ever noticed about a boyfriend's financial records were how many overdraft slips he received in the mail. And that's because he would rip them open right in front of me.

What do you think of using financial signs as a way to tell your partner is cheating? Have you ever used any of these methods?


Anonymous said...

Couples with joint credit cards and joint checking accounts should question each other when suspicious charges or withdraws show up. It doesn't necessarily have to be confrontational either. Something as simple as saying, "Hey Honey, I noticed several purchases from What gives?" In this case, it's your money, too, so you have a right to question it.

Anonymous said...

First of all, if a spouse is stupid enough to purchase gifts for his/her mistress/boytoy with a joint account, then that person needs to be dumped simply due to lack of intelligence.
Secondly, the simple fact that one has to check and see what his/her spouse is spending their money on is a sign that there is a big problem!

Anonymous said...

The majority of men would and do cheat on their wives...I know I am a man !

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mr. Spitzer!!