Monday, March 3, 2008

Do you date people like your best friend?

The kind of person your best friend is may reveal the kind of person you seek out in a significant other, according to an article on

(N)ext time you’re thinking about what you want from a romantic partner, think about your BFF—and think about the qualities he or she has. You’re friends for a reason. Whether your pal is the life of the party or the big sibling you never had, chances are this person has a special quality that reflects what you need from a man or woman.

Interesting concept. The article goes on to describe different friend types and tell you how that type would be as a partner.

I tried to apply that logic to my own relationship, though, and didn't really see a correlation. I would say most of close friends fit into different types, and my boyfriend is even a different type from them.

Figure that one out.

Do you see yourself gravitating toward SO's who are like your best friends, or are they totally different?


Anonymous said...

I say yes totally. Me and my friends have strange senses of humor and have very particular tastes in movies and music. We make references to certain things all the time and my boyfriend falls right into that and my past boyfriends have fallen into that too even though they were all very different from each other. We've got to be friends, it aint just mushy mushy, kiss, kiss all the time everyday.

Anonymous said...

I always fall for my male friends. I mean, not always, but the people I've fallen in love with were all friends of mine prior to that. I guess I feel attracted to people I trust and who I know well and have a lot in common with! I never believed in love at first sight anyway, to me that's not love but something else :)
So I totally understand.....