Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who knew childhood spanking could have an effect on your adult sex life?

Like most of my peers, I grew up during a time when if a child did something wrong, they were spanked. If you ran out into the middle of the street, you got a spanking. If you pushed your sibling or cousin down a flight of stairs, you got a spanking. If you listened to George Carlin and Redd Foxx records and decided to recite every joke, again, you got a spanking.

However, those little spankings from Mom and Dad for breaking the glass coffee table could have an adverse effect on your adult sexual relationships.

The Newsweek article focuses on a study that shows how childhood spanking could lead to risky and abusive sexual behaviors. Those who were spanked were more likely to coerce dates into having sex and also more likely not to use a condom during intercourse. The study also showed those who were spanked were more likely to be aroused by masochistic sex.

I don't think this holds true for myself or most of my friends and we all will pretty much readily admit we got spanked as children.

Were you spanked as a child and do you think it has had any effect on your adult relationships, particularly sexually? What do you think of the article's findings and suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Sounds bizarre to me.

Anonymous said...

wow! Who knew! So the fact that I don't mind a little tap on the rear has to do with the fact that I was spanked as a child...interesting...

BeckiLG said...

You can probably relate spanking to about a million other things considering how common it is. People want spanking to be bad, so they are going to spin it how they want it. The article even points out that you can't turn children into lab rats to study this accurately. There are too many other factors to consider to even try and make this a point! Plus there are different levels and reasons for spanking. Spanking to the point of bruising as opposed to a pop on the rear. Spanking for breaking a precious vase or spanking for stealing a cookie.

Abuse is extremely hard to get accurate data on... how often does an abuser truly admit to what they do? There is no scale to measure how hard of a hit causes permanent damage, physically or mentally. Just like we can't turn children into lab rats to receive abuse, we can't turn parents into the abusers in a lab setting!

I work with children in a psychiatric setting. Many with abuse of various types in their history and sexual issues in the present. The factors that add up to the present issues are more than just abuse. Abuse is a spectrum. Tons of things qualify as abuse. Parents who are regarded as the Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver of suburbia might do things behind closed doors that would terrify the parents who openly give their kid a spanking in the grocery store. The uncle who comes to visit opens a whole new can of worms. What about the kids who don't get dessert when they get in trouble at school?

Sorry, I think this research is positively ridiculous. It is important to consider the effects of spanking on your children, which the article does a fairly decent job of. To try and prove spanking is going to have a negative effect on your children, as some researchers apparently
have, is silly. Spanking isn't the only form of abuse that is commonly practiced. Negative reinforcement is essential to any kind of training or learning; parenting, dog training, or even athletics!

Anonymous said...

I think thats bull$hit!

Anonymous said...

i guess all the whips & chains & "spank me daddy" comments are all linked to the fact that i was spanked incesstantly as child because i was a bad child. who would've thought that.