Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's your relationship style?

Everyone has a different relationship style and starts out a relationship in a different way. There are people who play games, people who get attached at the hip and people who play it aloof.

In my most recent relationship, I qualified as the attached at the hip type of person. I know it's probably gag-worthy to the rest of you, but when my boyfriend and I first started dating, we just couldn't get enough of each other. We called each other every day, saw each other every day and hung out whenever it was possible. After only a few months in, we had long standing dates to meet each other for dinner nearly every night, not necessarily going out, but having one of us cook for the other person. I'm still amazed that to this day we still haven't gotten sick of each other.

A few of my friends have had the complete opposite experience. When they first started dating their boyfriends, they lived in different cities, so they rarely saw each other. They had lots of space, and lots of room to breathe. Post-college, the couples were able to move in together. One of the women has remarked that she can't imagine what it would have been like seeing her boyfriend every day early on in the relationship.

What's your relationship style? Do you prefer to be around your new beau all the time or do you prefer to have plenty of alone time? I think most people would agree that a happy medium between frequent and infrequent is best, but how do you reach that point? Have you ever been around someone too much, and you just became sick of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but when you have little annoying fights every day...maybe spending time apart is good.