Thursday, April 3, 2008

Age and money

My boyfriend made an interesting observation the other day, and I'd like to see if you agree with him.

Basically, he said that a relationship in which there is a significant age difference can only work out if one of the people in the couple is rich (or has significantly more money than the other person). Usually the older person is the rich person. The most obvious example is the older man and the stereotypical gold digger.

If BF's hypothesis is true, the reasons for such relationships could be based on some pretty shallow facts. That is, a young person would not date a considerably older person unless there was something in it for them, like money. Or perhaps the relationship is more likely to last because the less wealthy person likes being showered with gifts or money.

Think about relationships that you know. Are there any significant age differences or income differences? What do you think about this hypothesis?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There does seem to be a lot of insecure (or lazy) people who are looking for a father-figure, a security-blanket, or a blank check before saying "I do". Guess I agree with your SO on the age-difference thing.