Tuesday, September 4, 2007

X-ing out an ex

Let's admit it. Some of us are a little bit too nice, even at times a little bit too forgiving.

Even though a person may have cheated on you with a dozen people, you still let them have phone and e-mail privileges after it's over. A person may have announced your breakup to the entire world before letting you in on it, but you add them as a friend on Facebook anyway.

However, sometimes the ex who violated the relationship contract still manages to vex you long after you have bid adieu and given your forgiveness. I've seen situations where a man has impregnated and married the other woman just to call the ex he did wrong to engage in some soul searching. There was also another situation where a friend of mine dated a serial cheater for five years only for him to call her up every year after the breakup to say he's in love with her and wants to be with her despite the fact that he's with another woman. Women do it as well. One of my closest male friends had an ex who cheated on him repeatedly call him up three years after the breakup saying she was pregnant and wished that it was his. The nerve of some people.

However, the biggest problem in these cases is that the lines of communication are still open. Understandably, some people can break up and remain friends. But usually, when someone screwed you over, that's hard to do. And to think the people still find ways to negatively impact your life.

Now, the people in the above situations have used various methods to end their individual vicious cycles. One used avoidance, which isn't working. One changed her phone number, which did work eventually. And one basically disappeared from everybody except those closest to them.

What do you feel is the best way to get rid of an ex? When is the best time to rid yourself of an ex?


Anonymous said...

Good idea or not, I found the easiest way to get over an ex was to move on and start dating someone else.
It wasn't until I seriously started dating this person that my ex was filled with dumper's remorse. I got e-mails, phone calls (both sober and drunk) for at least a year after I started dating my current boyfriend.
Though I felt really terrible, I eventually had to just ignore him for a while - I thought this was the best way to respect my current relationship.

Anonymous said...

I've tried the ignore method. The fool still won't leave me alone. Trust me, I've moved on and am as happy as I can be. I feel that's when the exes bother you even more. They have radar that lets them know your happy and they can't stand it. I don't feel terrible about ignoring this jackass, in fact I'm cracking up at how pathetic he is at this point. I want to know when is enough enough? When will they get the point? I haven't seen this person in about two years and havent spoken to them since last year. It seems they are trying to contact me more than ever because I'm ignoring them. I want to tell the person to go to hell, but I don't want to this idiot to think I'm irate because I'm not over him. I'm just irate because this is getting tired and he is no longer useful to my life.... ARRRGH

Anonymous said...

I used to believe it was possible to be friends with an ex. I now believe that no man, at least, is truly capable of this. Every single relationship that I had that either terminated in a friendly way or moved on into friendship mode somehow -- it ended up that the guy was still hung up on the sex/romance thing, sometimes with no hint for YEARS, but it always came out. I have decided, after 15 years of experience, that I just have to give up the ex's as friends. Fortunately I've moved around enough that I don't have to encounter them or share friends with them. They still try to engage me but I don't take the bait.