Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Married men are great.....

as conversationalists. According to this article on MSNBC.com, single women prefer talking to married men over bachelors.

But why wouldn't we? Married men, or men who are in very serious relationships, tend to be more stable and more confident. They also give us hope that we could one day reel one in for ourselves. and usually, are better at giving advice on relationships than guys who appear to be eternal bachelors. I've also found that your topic base expands way outside the realm of male-female relationships mainly because, most likely, neither party's thoughts on the subject will ever affect the other person. You can completely be yourself because you're not trying to impress them. You can cry on their shoulder and know that they actually care and are not just trying to hop into bed with you.

And, most importantly (unless you're heading into an adulterous situation), you never have to ask yourself the question of what is really going on in the situation. You never have to envision and anticipate that dreaded "relationship talk."

Simply put: single men are scary because of the possibilities, married and seriously-involved men are comfortable because of their stability with someone else.

As women, have any of you found it easier to communicate with men who were in relationships? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

Man Raven. I hope you realize what you started.
Unless these married men are brothers, cousins or very close childhood friends, single women steer clear. I really think at some point all of the talking will eventually cause drama. I mean when you start talking about relationships and crying on shoulders and being yourself and so open, you can inadvertantly give off vibes that may attract that "involved" man to you and cause more problems than you think. It's a fine line. Proceed with caution on that folks. My guess is if you want good relationship advice, you might want to seek out couples and talk to them together.

Anonymous said...

This is how it all gets started and I am talking an affair. You definately opened a can of worms !! You writers seem to be quite naive..you are significantly lacking wordly experience and understanding when it comes to messing around with a married man in any way, shape or form. Bad, bad, bad!!!!!

Raven said...

Ok, I see a little clarification is needed here. As the first person seem to be wondering, I am talking about guys I've been friends with for a long time and yes, some are related and some are not. I'm not talking about random strangers.
I'm just trying to talk about a column where they said it's easier to talk to married men.
And to that last blogger, I am not talking about "messing around" with a married man. I'm talking about having a conversation. I don't think that's synonymous.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, most of the readers on here can't or don't read the whole thing, Raven is pointing out that it can be a more comfortable conversation. I'm 35-years old and married now and don't know if I wouldn't have seen the forest for the trees if not for my married male friends giving me advice. And we are all still friends, including their wives, thank you.
BTW, I'm guessing every woman who reads this blog cannot be around a married guy without messing around with him or else y'all could see how a men and women can actually relate without being in an affair.

Anonymous said...

You are a terrible writer if you need to defend your own writing...

Anonymous said...

To first anonymous...sounds like you might have some experience in messing around with married men if you have to defend yourself also....??? Right back at ya !

Pria said...

I like having conversations with married men. For those of you who think it's wrong you're probably dealing with your own guilty feelings. As long as I'm not spending alone time with the man, what's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

i think that's a little dangerous. i personally wouldn't want any women, single or married, crying on my husband's shoulder about their relationships, unless she came to both of us.
i think that once that vulnerabilty is shared with someone of the opposite sex, all sorts of feelings can come into play; it doesn't matter what the intentions were to begin with.

Anonymous said...

You are playing with fire if you think you can get away with crying on a married man's shoulder. This is an intimate display of affection and can lead to temptations that can get out of control. I don't think he would share this with his wife either. Raven you need counseling and do us a favor by finding a new profession.

Anonymous said...

You people are really amazing. I mean, we have a lot of bitter, married women consistently posting comments on a blog written by 20-somethings.
I don't know everything these girls have been through, but I'm almost certain that y'all did not know everything at that age. And considering that age is supposed to bring maturity, I'm glad I didn't know you then.
Also, maybe if y'all didn't spend so much time critiquing these women and maliciously attacking this blog, y'all could invest some time in getting counseling to find out why y'all are so bitter. Or better yet, you could find and maintain a companion. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Don't any of you suspicious people have male friends whom you don't want to hop in the sack with and vice-versa?

I have male friends, married, dating and single, and I talk to them all. I also talk to their wives and girlfriends, too. Why? Because we are friends and we can talk.

If you cannot handle having friends of both sexes, you might need to rethink what you consider a friend. You also might want to take a long, hard look at your libido and why you cannot seperate it from your brain.

Or is it jealousy? Ladies, would it also make a difference if the women your husband/boyfriend was talking to wasn't one of these younger women who write this blog? What if they were a bunch of old hags? I'm betting your opinion on the matter would change depending if you felt you were more attractive than the friend.

My mother cheated on my father. I had an ex cheat (emotionally... never was sure about physically) on me. Despite this, I would never have a problem with a mate of mine having female friends as long as they were honest about the relationship, the relationship was not a burden, and it was a friendship I could be a part of, too.

Anonymous said...

You "Southern" women are so cold and frigid.. what do you expect when you turn your husband down for sex because you have a "headache" or whatever excuse you might come up with ? And then you wonder why he strays !!

Anonymous said...

wow...i feel like i'm back in high school..get a life, folks!

Anonymous said...

Hey...What goes around comes around again !!!

Anonymous said...

I usually don't mind getting off topic, but this blog is not a gossip column. This blog is about Macon Love, not war!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but it was on target with the topic. "Married men are great??...questionable !! An perfect example was given.

Anonymous said...

You ask the questions, answers are provided along with factual support and delete it. Censorship at it's worse. Or are you more worried about advertising dollars?

If you're going to blog, it's time to get serious -- don't ask open ended questions if you refuse to entertain or accept responses and examples that support or deny your theory.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY!!!! Perfect response...everyone who responded to this topic was right on and the discussions answers got deleted !! Afraid of the truth or did you catch some flack??? I think you got bought out !! Grow up !!

Anonymous said...

It is inappropriate to discuss someone's personal life without giving them a fair chance to respond. Go ahead and use them as an example, just please don't attach their name to it. I'm not trying to censor your speech, just trying to keep the blog fair for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Anything posted on the internet offers an open ended chance for response.

I read the deleted posts and the person that was mentioned *appears* to be one of macon.com's current favs. Surely they were notified and given the chance to respond.

No responce though - was it deleted as well or maybe it's just hard to refute the truth?