Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why today of all days?

Yesterday, I was having one of those days where I didn't feel the most beautiful.

It was my time of the month, my roots needed touching up and everything just kept going wrong.

So, of course, everywhere I went, some guy tried to hit on me.

Whether it was just standing outside my job getting a breath of fresh air or Autozone trying to pick up a new gas cap, guys were asking for my number.

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened and I have other friends who have shared similar experiences of guys wanting them when they felt like crap.

It's happened while having their hair wrapped in a scarf and enduring a bout with the flu. It's happened while painting a house in overalls straight out of the "Dukes of Hazzard." It's happened on a day where the pimples on someone's face could have literally led to a game of connect the dots.

Now, mind you, sometimes, when you're having a bad day, a good pick-up from a cute guy could turn the whole thing around, but oftentimes, you are too caught up in how terrible your day is.

And, the funny thing is there are days where you get all dolled up and know that you are looking fabulous and don't half as much attention as you expected. And you could be having an all-out good day.

Does anybody have a clue as to why guys sometime choose your worst days to make a move? Have you ever noticed a guy hitting on you when you were not in your best condition?


BeckiLG said...

If it's your time of the month, that's a big clue why! There's obvious scientific stuff as to why, I don't know all the details though. For the other 3 weeks, I think guys like natural girls. That dolled up thing is overrated.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and this is still a mystery to me!
Like when you're walking down the street on a rainy day, in your old coat, no make up, your hair a mess... and someone guy...

Anonymous said...

Be happy you are getting hit on... at any time. You could be like us old, overweight chicks who can't get the time of day from a man.

Could you possibly get guest bloggers on who are older and have difficulties dating?

Most of your entries are about actually having a siginificant other or dating. What if you just can't find anyone who is willing to date you?

What about all of us thirtysomethings and fortysomethings who don't fit into the younger social scene here? Any advice for us?

Anonymous said...

I can totally feel this blog. Once I had food posioning and went to the local pharmacy. This guy tried to get my number, I told him if he knew what I spent the prior evening and morning doing on and over my toilet, he wouldn't want to speak to me. So with "I've got the craps" medicine in my hand and all, this guy is like, "If you look this good with food posioning, I can imagine what you look like when you're trying."
My best male friends basically agreed. They said if a woman seems attractive when she isn't trying, or at her worst, you know she's beautiful and can be taken out in public when it's time to really look nice. Male rationale, gotta love it.

Raven said...

To that last anonymous, we are always asking for guest bloggers to provide new perspectives.
If you are interested, feel free to send a blog to
I'm young, yet I don't always quite fit into the social scene here myself, but I have found that if you join with a civic or social organization that shares your interests, it makes it easier to meet new people.

Anonymous said...

"poor me! Guys are hitting on me all the time!!!"

my goodness, your life is so hard!

Anonymous said...

i agree with the last anonymous! you girls need a reality check.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the writers are definately too young to be commenting on several recent topics !!! Someone needs to change this problem.

Anonymous said...

The question is " How are you dressing?" You must be attracting the guys somehow if they are all trying to hit on you everywhere you go especially at Autozone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am thirtysomething and overweight, and I get hit on pretty frequently. I work in an office environment, and am modestly dressed, so it isn't that I'm showing skin. I think it might have to do with the fact that I am usually smiling. I try to keep a positive attitude, even when I feel like crap, and people respond to it. People are drawn to positivity, not just a pretty face!

Anonymous said...

I am the first anonymous. I want to say, like Sarah, I'm thirty five and up to not many months ago, overweight -and I'm not going to tell you my secret ;)
So I think it's what i stay fly 24/7 said... male rationale.. lol

Anonymous said...

What do you considering as being "hit on"?

Since a lot of you say you get hit on. Maybe I am getting hit on and don't know it. (Although, I highly doubt it.)

Thanks for the advice Sarah, but if I smiled all day at my two female coworkers, they'd just think I'd gone batty. There are no men in the office and, for the most part, I do not see anyone besides my coworkers during the course of my day.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, in those situations the guys are usually so nasty I wouldn't "brag" about how much I get hit on....respectable guys really don't act like that. So maybe calm down and laugh about it....

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the definition of getting hit on that everyone is working with is getting randomly accosted by someone who is trying to get your number or someone who just wants to give you a compliment (keep in mind everyone's idea of a compliment can vary).
Some of the examples can range from a polite, "You look nice today, I'd like to take you to lunch sometime." Or to something raunchy like, "Ohh if only you could wrap your thighs around my head." Usually you know when you're getting hit on. These fools aren't subtle at all. I think their claim to fame is to be as ridiculous as possible. And I don't think anyone is necessarily bragging about being hit on because some men can be very nasty and it can be a very awkward situation (especially if you're in a professional environment or the person is a relative or friends with someone you are friends with). I agree with the last person. Some of the stuff these guys come up with, you've gotta laugh. Sometimes I even go toe to toe with em. I start scratching around my bra and then say, "daum it was nice meeting you, but it's time for me to put on some more of my ointment!"