Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who knew divorce was a luxury?

Just think. You and your spouse have come to the unfortunate conclusion that you just are not meant for one another. However, you are looking forward to some finality that comes with a divorce.

However, then gasoline prices went up along with groceries. And then the housing market started going drastically down,

This is the time when you look at your partner and say “maybe we should hold off on this divorce for a little while.”

Supposedly, more and more people are doing that in these hard economic times. More people are willing to seek counseling or just delay the inevitable.

I cannot say I don’t understand wanting to save money. However, I do wonder what lasting effects can come from remaining in a situation that has already been labeled as unhealthy.

Do you think if you were considering getting a divorce, you would let the economy dictate the timing? Do you think delaying such a decision results in more couples staying together in the long-run?

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