Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fueling up for love

Here's a funny comment I recently overheard while out at a restaurant in Macon: I'm not going out with her. She lives in Perry. You have to think about gas prices here.

I had to keep my chuckle to myself. But it wasn't the first time I heard such a comment.

As it stands right now, gas prices are going up and show no signs of going down no matter how hard you wish, pray or swear to sacrifice your first born. And it has found a way to take a toll on all facets of life, including relationships.

Slowly, but surely, my friends who are in long-distance relationships have seen the number of visits from their significant others dwindle to about half. Though my friends are not happy, they understand.

Has gas prices had any effect on your long distance relationship? Does it play a role when you are considering dating someone who is not right around the corner?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was dating my (now ) spouse. We commuted on weekends driving about 200 miles round trip to see each other. She would visit one weekend, I would drive to visit her on the other. Gas was about $1:15 a gallon. If we were attempting this now, we might never have married.