Tuesday, May 6, 2008

From crush to dud

Crushes can be pretty intense. They get you all tangled up in your words and and your steps, and all you want to do is be around the other person who makes you all giddy inside. That can be a great feeling.

And when you finally get up the nerve to confess your feelings to your crush and you lean in for that first magical kiss, it's like you two are the only ones there. You can feel your heart beating inside your chest, your hands are clammy and each touch feels like something new. This moment is often the ultimate fulfillment that you've longed for.

Except when it's not.

Instead of feelings to bliss, you feel — well — nothing. You think your breath might smell, or is that his? And her lips are so ... lip-like. No spark. No chemistry. No wham-bam. Nada. Awkward.

Then following the let down that your crush was not the person you expected them to be, you have to come to the realization that you just wasted the last x-amount of time in your life pining over something who makes you feel like you're kissing your sibling. Blah.

Have you ever had an experience where a crush didn't turn out the way you wanted it to? Was there a time when you thought you were falling head over heels only to learn that the math didn't add up? How long were you crushed? How did you find out there was no chemistry? What did you do to recover?

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