Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cheating with no repercussions

I am a complete reality show junkie, which means I get sucked in even to the bad ones.

Last night I watched about 15 minutes of the show "The Moment of Truth." In the show, a contestant is asked various questions, and a lie detector determines whether the answers are true or false. The more questions answered truthfully, the more money you win. The caveat: the contestant is asked a series of potentially hurtful questions in front of his family and friends.

Last night, one of the questions asked was this: Would you cheat on your wife if you knew you wouldn't get caught?

While the contestant contemplates his answer, the camera cuts to his nervous-looking wife on the sidelines. Luckily for her, he says, "No," and the lie detector confirms his answer. But I think it's safe to say that many people would jump at a chance at cheating if they knew there was no way to get caught.

Now, there's no lie detector here, but today I pose that same question to you: Would you cheat on your significant other if you knew you wouldn't get caught?

And here's a special Valentine's Day message for you!


Anonymous said...

This is similar to saying "would you steal a million dollars if you knew you wouldn't get caught." Temptation is a mighty powerful force but the guilt that would follow an affair is by itself enough to keep me faithful.

Anonymous said...

I probably wouldn't do it just because guilt weighs the mind down and can eventually break you.