Friday, February 22, 2008

Dating gripes

Everyone's got a gripe about dating. Now it's your time to share it.

I'll go first:

• I hate waiting by the phone for a guy to call. As much as I try to distract myself, when I'm really interested, it's all I can seem to think about.

• I hate not knowing automatically whether another person is worth my time. It would be great if there was some kind of timer that would let you know how long a person's interest in you will last.

• I hate looking for dates. Advice columnists say going out in groups is intimidating, but it's so awkward going out by myself.

• I really, really hate pushy guys who think you owe them something — as in sex — because they bought you a few drinks or dinner.

Now it's your turn. What's the absolute worst thing about dating?


KAT said...

I hate the online part of being added to the messenger list on Personals but not getting a peep out of someone.

It burns me up to see someone rude to a waitress.

And that's without me dating the Loon (as I call her).

Anonymous said...

Dating advice chaps my ass.

You pointed out the advice about going out alone as a good example.

The only dating advice you need is, "Brush your teeth, take a bath and wear clean underwear." Anything beyond that is just conjecture.