Friday, February 8, 2008

Addicted to love

Robert Palmer might have been on to something when he penned his song, "Addicted to Love."

Some people believe in what is a called a "love addiction" or "relationship addiction." This is when a person is excessively attached to another person. From there, the waters muddy a bit, and different experts say different things about the reasons and characteristics of a love addiction. Either way, most seem to agree that a love addiction is as real and as serious as any other addiction.

One therapist describes two different types of love addicts. The first type is someone who is addicted to the idea of being in any relationship at all, regardless of the partner, and the second is a person who has an addiction to a particular partner.

These people are not just infatuated with another person. They believe that they cannot live without the other person.

Another therapist lists these characteristics of love addiction:

• Consuming, all-pervasive need for the other person.
• Difficulty defining ego boundaries.
• Partners that exhibit sadomasochism.
• Each person being afraid to let themselves go and take risks either as individuals or as a part of the couple.
• Resisting and being fearful when a partner tries to grow personally.

As with most addictions, this one comes from some underlying problem, like a lack of nurturing or attention from parents when young. Also like other addictions, with proper treatment, it can be cured.

What do you think about a love addiction? Do you think it's real or a bunch of mumbo jumbo?


Anonymous said...

this is so real! i think i have it! crap

Anonymous said...

I am interested in finding out the treatment for a love addiction?? Do you have any more info ?

Anonymous said...

Here's a good source:

From the site (Psychology Today):
Treatment should probably involve at least some of the following:

* A commitment to abstinence
* Rebuilding relationships
* Managing stress
* Self-help