Monday, November 26, 2007

With first impressions, looks count

Everyone says that it's what's inside that counts. For those who aren't so blessed in the looks department, we say, "But he's so smart!" or "She's got a great personality!"

But, let's be frank. Dating is all about first impressions, and most first impressions are based on people's physical qualities, no matter how smart or funny one may be. Most people do not approach another person because they heard a great joke from across the room but rather because they caught the eye of someone they find attractive.

I'm sure many people can relate. Within almost every group of friends there's "the hot one," who gets more dates and attention than all the others, even if his/her personality is not so great. Not that you would be friends with people without great personalities ;)

Before you call me shallow, this is not to say that being smart and having a great personality is not at all important. These attributes are probably some of the most important, but usually only are discovered after you've started dating someone. I'm talking about meeting someone before you even get to this point.

Also keep in mind that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, and what is beautiful to one person may be plain to another. Just think of any celebrity the masses are gaga over but you're not. (Angelina Jolie, anyone?)

Given that dating is about these physical first impressions, do you feel that your appearance has hindered your dating experience? Do you feel that you would have more success dating if people got to know you as a person beyond the exterior? Have you tried to minimize the impact of appearance by online dating or some other mechanism?

How important is a potential date's physical appearance? Have you ever gone out with someone you did not initially find attractive but then later developed feelings for because of other qualities? Do you approach non-attractive people for dates?


Anonymous said...

Oh I know all too well..

26, college degree, and can hold a conversation without staring at boobs the whole time...

But.. since I dont party with the big fish at Whiskey River or kneel at the alter at some church... then I pretty much didn't get noticed in town.

Where are all the ladies who were around my age and can sing covers to bad 80's hair band songs?

Oh well... so goes the life of the Bibb County Single Male :)

Now accepting applications!

Anonymous said...

How about the ones who look real good on paper..... college degree, great job, good looks..... but suck completely on the inside because they have used only the above to get them anywhere...... it goes way deeper and YES there must be something attractive to get ones attention but what is attractive to one can be unattractive to another....I happen to love a Mans MOUTH....lolol /

Anonymous said...

I've been in love with people whom I didn't find attractive at first, but who turned out to be great people. I never fall in love at first sight or first dates anyway :)