Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who runs this house again?

Living in a military town has certainly opened my eyes to the strain that can be placed on a relationship when a loved one is in the service.

That strain increases during a deployment and can even become worse after a long deployment.

While some of the people speak of being excited that their person is home, they also talk about what a transition it can be for the family.

In households where the military partner handled many of the household functions prior to deployment, a shift occurs. For a period of anywhere from six months to years, one partner has gotten use to controlling the finances, maintenance and every other aspect of the household.

When the military partner returns, some significant others are ready to relinquish all the duties they assumed in their absence. Others may like the way things operated while the significant other was away and may choose to maintain that way of living.

For the military partner who may have assumed that everything would return to normal, this can come as a surprise.

Are there any military wives or husbands out there who have dealt with this? How did you deal with it?

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