Monday, November 12, 2007

Not having enough sex?

We all can recall the days of watching the sitcoms where the husbands complained of only having sex with their wives on holidays or on special occasions. Or better yet, some of us even have male friends who speak of how their sex life was better with their significant other in the beginniing of the relationship, before they got married or before she had a baby.

Understandably, some ladies are just tired. Working day in and day out takes its toll when you also have to be the manager of your own home.

According to some experts, not having enough sex can cost women more than they realize. The linked article shows how devastating it can be to your wallet to not have sex for three months. A lot of money goes towards painkillers and movies as well as spa treatments and therapy.

Now, some of the figures, I'm a little wary of. (Who pays almost $300 for a vibrator?) And I feel even if you have an active sex life, sometimes it feels good to be pampered and talk it out on someone's couch.

But there is something to be said for the uplift in mood that comes after having sex, particularly when done safely in a monogamous, fulfilling relationship. It's exercise and relaxation all rolled into one.

Do you feel that you are having enough sex? If so, why not? Do you agree with the article's statement of costs related to not having sex?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree 100 percent. When you are pent up and all alone, you are trying to pass the time by doing other things and spending money and you are certainly more stressed out. Little things bug you even more than usual if you're lackin in the lovin department. Hey it's truly good for what ails ya.

Pria said...

When you're not having sex it costs you way more money. You join a gym to attract a man $. You buy a new wardrobe to fit that new body $$. You take that new body out on the town, clubs, happy hour and dinner $$$. When you leave alone you buy a vibrator and other accessories $$$$.

Anonymous said...

We all know not having sex really bites. Thanks for pointing this out.

Perhaps, you should go on about how great it is to have some guy buy you dinner everyday of the week; a long, sappy story about the expensive presents your boyfriend got you; the wonderful nights you spend snuggled up with that someone special; or the simple pleasure of not have to schlep your own trash out to the bin. Yes, you, along with the rest of the media world, can continue reminding us perpetually-single people how much our lives suck.

By the way, if I see another one of those sickeningly romantic jewelry commericals on TV again, I'm going to go postal.

Yet Another Under-sexed Single Person

Anonymous said...

anonymous above may sound slightly bitter... but i agree with the crux of the bloggers comments

way to drive that salt into the wound, especially so close to the holidays

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Down with those blasted jewlery commercials! Every kiss begins with kay bah humbug!!!!!

Raven said...

I just took the trash out last night. It was a little chilly but I made it to the bin.

I bought myself a pizza last weekend. That was nice.

I also bought myself a cute little dress on sale.

By the way, I'm the single one.

Anonymous said...

She was just bringing up a point, not tearing down those not in a relationship!

BTW - I am in a relationship, but never once when I was not did I ever say I wish I had a boyfriend...It's good to be able to happily operate single or taken...

Anonymous said...

If I don't have enough sex it's only because I have more sex drive than my husband.

Anonymous said...

Married for twenty something years and the wife has pretty much written off sex. I'm surprised I haven't strayed yet. Guess its because I know it would hurt her

Anonymous said...

If you can't be close in an intimate way WHY be married????? I don't get only live once. When you find yourself in a nursing home at the age of 80 you will probably wish you had strayed or gotten out of the "marriage" !!

Anonymous said...

We're close, still snuggle on the couch, hold hands, enjoy each other's company but its plain and simple. I want sex, she doesn't...