Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Could it be as easy as breaking the rules?

Every woman knows the rules about dating when to call, what to say, how long to hold out, etc. The basis is manipulate, bait and then capture.

Yet, some women follow this rules to the letter and they're still single.

This article breaks down how the rules may be the wrong way to get a man.

In the article, the author points out that the basic form of dating most people engage in is like a game of the predator and the prey with the roles continuously switching.

Instead of engaging in this tiresome activity, the author encourages women to stop thinking about relationships and focus on themselves.

Her basic three steps to find a soul mate are gain self-awareness, self-worth and self-engaging.

What do you think of using this dating tactics? Have you used this tactics or similar tactics with success?


BeckiLG said...

Your link doesn't seem to work for me...

Anonymous said...

Most people over 30 already know this. We keep ourselves busy in order to distract us from thinking about our futures as spinsters.

Basically, it's one more article to instill a false sense of optimism when the men our age are hitting up 20-something hotties and leaving us 30-something women to troll AARP meetings.

Anonymous said...

But damn it..I need the optimism.

Anonymous said...

To think of the whole dating thing as a game or a prey/predator thing is wrong to start with.
Just being oneself and loving oneself first is a better way to find a partner.