Wednesday, January 9, 2008

When diamonds aren't forever

Now we are transitioning from the Christmas season where you are bombarded with jewelry commercials to Valentine's Day when you are overtaken by even more commercials displaying diamonds as a way to a girl's heart.

But what happens when that diamond is set in an engagement ring that you no longer have any use for because the good times are over. He may just realize he cannot be married to an obsessive compulsive woman or you may have just caught him cheating on you with the woman up the street. Whatever the reason, the party is over and now this symbolic gesture has turned into a hassle.

For those of you who sneer when the DeBeer's commercials run across your screen, just know that broken engagements are common enough that states have laws on the books regarding who gets the ring in the end.

I think no matter what I would prefer to just give the engagement ring back. Once the wedding's off, who needs a symbol of what is never going to happen.

Who do you think should get the ring in a broken engagement? Have you ever been in this situation and how did you handle it?


Anonymous said...

Whoever purchased the ring should get it back. Why would you want a symbol of a lost love anyway?

Anonymous said...

In the end, however, it was a gift from a very important time in your life.

It's the same reason you don't tear up pictures, love letters or cards...after the sadness or bitterness fades, it's nice to have those physical memories...

It's not a symbol of lost love, it's all part of a relationship that (possibly) had a defining effect on your life...

I would keep it (if he didn't ask for it back)...

Anonymous said...

Pawn it and buy something that makes you feel good.

Anonymous said...

After my divorce I saw fit to enjoy my freedom. So I exchanged my diamonds for real money and spent two wonderful weeks in the City of Lights...Paris, France : ) No regrets !

Anonymous said...

That's why I would keep the ring - either for memories or to have some cash to do something I want to do!! : )

Anonymous said...

under normal circumstances i would probably give back the ring. but if he cheated with the woman up the street the ring is going in the nearest river as he watches me hurl it as if i were tom brady in the last 30 seconds of the superbowl

Pria said...

If he didn't ask for it back I would take the diamonds out and put it in a different setting!