Thursday, January 3, 2008

Old crap and new year don't mix

I look at moving into a new year like moving into a new house. When you're in the packing phase, you get to decide what you want to take and what you want to leave or throw away.

Over the past few weeks, I've discussed this notion with friends, both male and female, especially when it comes to relationships. Honestly, some relationships are just not good for you and you have to let them go.

I'm not just talking about serious relationships. I'm talking about sexual relationships where one person may become attached while the other one is just into the physical. I'm talking about the person who knows you are into them and plays with your emotions knowing they will never see you that way. They just like the attention so they keep it going.

There is nothing positive about such a relationship. It leaves you feeling sad and emotional over someone who truly is not worth it. They obviously don't respect you so there's no point in letting them fill space in your mind or allotting them any more of your time.

That's why I say what better time is there to put an end to it than a new year. I know we're a few days into it but there's still time to get rid of old garbage.

Are there any situations or relationships that you decided to leave in 2007? Have you ever made such a plan and stuck to it? If so, how did you do it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully support this notion. I got my heart handed to me just a day before the new year, and it was the exact motivation I needed to leave them in 2007. I got angry delayed the initial breakdown in honor of NYE. The good news is, it means I won't get to the year mark of being jerked around--and that's positive.