Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Too busy for romance?

No one wants to date a completely boring person. (At least I don't think so.)

That being said, it can also be difficult to date a person who is super-involved. I'm talking about dating the person who may be working, in school and is a member of several organizations. When you put two people like that together, the time for dining and dating appears to be even less.

But it can work. It just takes sometimes saying yes to romance and no to other things. (Please note that I said sometimes. You don't have to blow everything off to be in a relationship.)

Doing that may mean not volunteering for every committee. It could also mean not serving on every board at your church. Now, blowing off school and work is highly unadvisable, but you can modify those things which are purely an option and not a necessity in your life.

There's also outright compromise. That's when you invite the other person to engage in some of your activities and vice versa.

Have you ever dated a person who was extremely busy or are you one of those people yourself? How do you handle dating in that situation?

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